I've been dying to rant about music lately, since I wrote one of A's tributes, I have wanted to scream about it.
So you hear this really great song right? You love it, you hear it often, you sing to it, you learn the lyrics either by practise or get right into it and check it out on the internet. It so suits you, you can see your life pictured in it, as if the song has been written for you/about you right?
Then you just have to check out what the meaning of the song is and so you hunt down the video either through you tube or google, or whatever. And what do you find??????????
HALF NAKED girls, sex, grinding, sex, and HALF NAKED GIRLS!
Um, seriously? Is that what the song is about?
What does this have to do with the song? Where is the storytelling in a video? What has happened to music artist that they have gotton so damn lazy they can't even create a decent video to tell the story of their song? Just flounce around half naked on some mountain and you got a video???
I miss the days when music actually meant something....I miss the days where video's were a powerful way of acting out the lyrics. What ever happened to making money off your voice, and your lyrics, not your body. Seems the only way pop stars become pop stars nowadays is not because of their talent but by how flat their stomache is and how big their boobs are, oh and of course the more you show the better you are.
Then you got these f***ed up stars who can't just do a job for the job but have to someone live the lifestyle too? But not just live the lifestyle, but go way overboard. Just look at Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, and even Miley Cyris....why oh why does someone want to see a sexually pervocative pictures of teenagers? GROSS!
I miss the days when music actually meant something. Powerful videos are rare now, like Simple Plan's "How could this happen to me?"or Green Day's "Wake me up when September Ends", or Live's "Lightening Crashes", Jhonny Cash's remix of "Hurt", Vicky Nolan's "Find Another Way and so on. These videos are so rare to see, just watch MTV you'll see.
Don't believe me....
I love the song from Britney Spears "I'm not a Girl, Not Yet a Women"...read the lyrics, their okay too, in fact they could have real meaning. I had to check out the video because I wanted to see the real meaning behind the song.......what the hell...how does this video say anything about the song? Here's a link to the video...it was such a dissappointment.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
1 thoughts that made me smile:
There is nothing like the music of the 80'S! Great ballads - great meaning.
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