First real post on my new blog, woohooo....and a great update coming your way....
Today has been a really nice day, and I'm left feeling happy and alive. Winter sucks, not too many people that by Feburary are saying how much they love the winter, and well, spring is here, or trying to make it's presence that is. And once in awhile you get a day like today that really just lifts your spirits and gives you rolling amounts of energy.
Funny enough, last night I didn't sleep much, so I went to work tired and ready for my nap as soon as I got back. I hope into bed at 10am and pass out right away....nice....but then wide awake after an interesting but not lasting dream 15 mins later. Yes, 10:15, so I lay there and contiplated trying to go back to sleep but I just wanted to get up and go.
Rather than waste my time in bed laying awake wondering if I should get up, I just got up and piddled around the house. I then went to pick up T from school and we headed to my favorite restaurant with a friend and her kids. Chinese buffet, yummm, all you can eat sushi, double yum!
Afterwards we came back to my place, played at the park for a bit, played in the house for a bit and then back to work. Was I tired, you bet, while driving I was feeling the lost sleep the night before and too short nap that morning, but I kept getting a 2nd wind over and over again throughout the afternoon. So much so after work (we work together) I asked my friend and her kids that I spent the afternoon with if they wanted to come for dinner.
So tonight there was 6 kids, and 3 adults in the house and I LOVE IT! It was nice to have company over and the kids all played so well together. We pulled out the Wii (a gift my very thoughtful friends S and B bought my family for Christmas...I'll never be able to thank them enough for that), and we all played, with the kids, as adults, kids on kids, adults on kids, for quite a while and everyone was happy and sharing and just a really nice time.
We kept dinner simple with Chicken strips and homemade fries...afterall lunch at a buffet doesn't leave you very hungry and it was a very last minute invite so nothing was planned, and then it was so nice, we took the kids to the park again, in the evening! It's so nice here, now for some you might think it was cold, it was +10 ish, but for us, well we have been dying to get a break from the negative numbers. Our park trip turned into a walk through the creek and pathways, for over an hour with all the kids. It was after 8pm when we got home. We hadn't done that since fall and it felt soooo good!
My body was just thanking me all the way, as it hasn't had much exercise or fresh air in a long time, and even as I sit and write at 10pm tonight, I'm left feeling really good and not even exhausted as I should be.
Just a great day all around! Springtime here we come!
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
3 thoughts that made me smile:
Sounds like a perfect day!
It was so nice to finally have a warm breeze! We were out for a walk too! Glad to hear that you all were out and about enjoying. It won't be too much longer and everyday will be like that.
Hey there, just stopped by to see how you were! Checked out your awesome pictures in the Magic Kingdom!!! I wanna go sooo badly! My daughter dreams of it. Maybe SOMEDAY we'll be able to afford to. =0)
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