I was totally prepared for having a baby, I know one might think, "how can you be prepared for a baby at 18?", but I was. I am the oldest of 3 other siblings, my youngest brother is 12 years my junior, my sister 10, so I did the diaper thing, I have babysat my 3 siblings, and I know it's not the same but I had a good understanding on how babies work, and what they need and what to expect.
So when my own baby came I was ready, and excited and really wasn't a huge adjustment for me. 'A' was really a pretty easy baby, I tried very briefly to breastfeed but the hospital staff wasn't very supportive and gave it up within the first 24 hours. I can't say I really remember much of the sleepless nights but I know I had them. Honestly I just remember holding him and loving him a lot.
When A was 2 months old his "bio father" and I split. I say that because he obviously was not prepared to be a father, and really not a very nice person to begin with. Thinking back I knew that, after 4 years of being with him I was well...just dumb and "needy" then and took what I could get despite how bad it was. It was 'A' that woke me up from my dream of "fixing him", I wasn't having my son grow up in a bad home.
I then became a single mom and was pretty happy with my life. I went back to highschool to finish my last year (I didnt' go when I was pregnant) and then went to college.
Ian and I hooked up when I went back to highschool. He was in his OAC's, they don't have that anymore, and I went back for my 12th year, we had known each other since Grade 9 but were always in different social circles and though friends, and though he liked me, I would have never dated him back then. (Vain...yes, but I was young and dumb and looking for the bad boy). Anyway, when I went back, social shit never mattered anymore, I just wanted someone who would respect me without the need to control or manipulate me, as well as love my son. And Ian was the perfect fit. A was 10 months old when I introduced the two and they were a hit...and it's been that way ever since.
As a baby A loved outside, picking flowers, hugging momma, playing games, and chasing people's feet. His milestones were pretty much met at the appropriate time, and I have tons of stories he would kill me if I shared on a public blog like this. Lets just say he was a great baby, with a great easy going personality.
Here's some pics of him as a baby....pics are not great, didn't have a digital camera back then and well, I never claimed to be a photographer....lol. I was lucky to have a 5mm film camera with no flash...
*****Gosh, I've had a really really crappy day today, and writing this and seeing these pictures really did make it a lot better*******
6 thoughts that made me smile:
sorry about your shitty day.. hugs.,.
this is so cute to read hope A thinks so too..
I'm guessing A doesn't know he's the material for the week :)
Isn't it funny how much better all of our pictures look now? You looked great though and A is adorable as a tot!
Hope you're week is better than you're Monday.
Great post. Although I know the story - I've enjoyed reading it. I know it's supposed to be A's week but I just have to say, you and Ian are perfect for one another. I haven't met another couple that is better matched then you guys.
I loved the background in the first pic - RETRO!!!!!!!
Have a better Tuesday ok?
Thanks guys your comments really lift my spirits. I'm just going to go to bed now before I trip and break an arm.
It's been a very very bad day :(
Sorry to hear that you had a bad day, hoping tomorrow will be better.
what a wonderful story! thanks for sharing! and of course great pix!!!
PS: we want ALL the "A" stories...he is 14..if he gives you trouble for posting - GROUND HIM...lololol
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