And a space to write this out, I am in shock still and not sure where to start.
Those that know me, also know my son, my middle son Bailey that is. He was born with Oliviro Ponto Cerebellar Atrophy. Many moons ago I went on various boards/groups/websites to see if I could connect or find someone else with the same condition. I would search hours and hours and hours, days spent just trying to get someone who can relate and some anwsers. I knew it was a long shot since the doctors told me that there was noone else on record or in case history, that there was only 11 kids from Hymalasia (sp?) that were only studied to the age of 2, and that was it. They don't know why he has what he does, I was told it was either 1. fluke, or 2. A recessive gene disorder where both mine and my husbands genes combined.
Bailey was about 5 when I gave up the search for someone else, it was useless, there was nothing out I thought.
Out of the blue the other day I get an email saying that she read my post from many moons ago on a cerebellar site (Bailey is almost 12 now) and wanted to know more about him. She shared a video of her daughter, and I BAWLED, like a little baby!!! It was ridicioulous, but to think there was another person out there who can relate, whose child has the same thing mine does, whose video was an EXACT replica of my own son...
my husband put it so well...."it's like being on a deserted island thinking noone is there for years and then all of a sudden someone shows up".
I gave her my number and last night we talked, I had just finished bawling from watching her video and sent her an email when she called, within minutes. So naturally I hadn't yet composed myself and when I heard her voice, I just started crying again! This is NOT hormones, this was a huge sense of overwhelming, shock, elation and relief from a mom whose done it alone for the past 12 years never knowing from one day to the next just what to expect. Never knowing a prognosis, or what the future may bring, never having anyone to judge this condition by. I can't even describe those emotions when I realized I was not alone.
During our conversation she shared more about her daughter, I about my son and they are almost identical. Her daughter has the diagnosis of Cerebellar Hypoplasia...funny how my son was labelled something different and yet both of our kids have the same thing, not just in disability but in MRI scans (both have underdeveloped brain stems, pons, cerebellums and olives), both have almost the same visual impairments, both are Deaf and use sign, both had G-tubes to feed the first year, both were born without the suck/swallow/gag reflexes and had to learn them, both had the same balance problems, and so on and so on...both have struggled to succeed and both our children are succeeding.
I later learned that there are a number of people out there I can connect with, so I will be doing that over this weekend although they have not progressed the same as what our kids have...many are adults and can't walk, some have died...etc. etc. Even still I plan to get more info and restart my research, I just gotta see who is out there.
Want to know the real shocker???!!!???
We both were at the very same hospital for our newborns going through tests and figuring out what was wrong, just 3 (yes 3) months apart. She was there with her newborn struggling to find a diagnosis for her daughter 3months earlier, and stayed a month there....I came after with my newborn, same age, same hospital, same conditions. Strange.
To top it off and kind of got me a little frustrated was that just 3 months earlier she was there, and you think her neurologist and my neurologist talked? NOPE. I was told there was noone else, she the same.
They're the same clinic for crying out load, same hospital, same rooms, they see each other every day and I imagine or at least HOPED they were sharing information on complicated patients like ours.
And whats more, same thing with the genetic doctors, same clinic different docs, and you think THEY would hook up and chat about things trying to figure out our kids who were really a puzzle to the docs...NOPE, same thing, they have no clue, don't know why, and never seen another case like it.
Anyway, I was all willing to get together and have our kids meet, maybe out for a coffee, she; I think; was not looking for that. It's kind of sad, it would have been nice to have someone who can relate, and we could have swapped stories and shared ideas, as our kids goals are much the same, as well as their struggles, but she didn't seem like that was what she was looking for.
I asked her how come she contacted me and if she was looking for someone to connect or if she was just seeking information or just curious, and she came right out and said "No, no connecting, she was just curious". least she was honest. I can take a hint.
Even so, even if I never talk to her ever again, which I don't think I will, it was nice to know I'm not alone, my son is not alone, and she did give me some resources too.
What a crazy couple of days.
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
16 hours ago
9 thoughts that made me smile:
Wow. I am reading this and I am just in shock. I can't believe this and to think that you guys were in the same hospital - THE SAME YEAR for crying out loud. That's nutz. You never know - she may have been in just as much shock as you and you may hear from her again. I hope for that for you.
Hugs and love.
The frustration you must feel about none of the doctors speaking up!! I know how that feels. I was told that women with CF have no problems getting pregnant and carrying babies. I felt that ON TOP of me having CF, I also had other problems. I felt so beaten by that. Years later when I speak to other CF women (some from the SAME clinic as mine) about 70% have infertility inssues, most have problems during pregnancy. I am always baffled by doctors not being able to look past their personal agenda (that is what it is) and let their patient connect with others and gather information that they need. I hate it!! I have battled this all my life.
I am happy that you had this experience. I am sorry she was not willing to take it somewhere. People have their reasons. Fear, shame...there are tons of factors. Somewhat natural I think.
I'm glad you feel less alone.
Holy wow!!! What a story!!
I dont understand how this woman wouldnt want to meet and share thoughts. I would JUMP at an opportunity like that if my child had an extremely rare condition. Strange!!!!!!!
(though i agree with Natalia - could be shame. Why anyone would be ashamed of their child is beyond me but then i am NOT in her shoes, so i dont judge - hmmm...i think i did, didnt i?!)
Wow! I can only imagine the shock and joy you must be feeling. Wow!
I was so excited for you at the beginning of your post..sorry she was not looking for more.
I hope she comes around and connects with you again.
Its amazing that some of the doctors don't talk to each other more. Especially if there is a special situation. Glad you met someone you can relate with though, it helps.
Wow, pretty incredible, glad that you connected with someone.
I know that when I was looking to connect with people about infertility I did not necessarily want to meet them in public, mostly it had to do with the fact that I lived in a big city and was really busy with working and sometimes it's hard to make arranges to meet people.
There should be support groups for people with neurological disorders (try Toronto Western Hospital ) if you're in ONtario.
Wow - that is absolutely incredible! Seriously, what's the point of having doctors in the same practice/clinic if they don't share information? Oh I am so frustrated for you on that front! But so happy to hear that you found more resources and information even if this woman isn't looking for a connection (though seriously I hope she changes her mind about that because I would think that someone else who can relate would be such a wonderful thing).
Wow - that is seriously incredible. I can imagine your emotions finally feeling like someone else has passed through your island. It's so hard to go through anything alone, and even if you don't "connect" with her further, I know there will be comfort in knowing you are not by yourself. I hope you will find others now to connect with! That's amazing.
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