Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Not me, not me, not me....

Welcome to:

The day where I share with all of you just how "perfect" I've been this past week and all the things I can say "Not Me" about...hahaha

1. I have been planning a trip to the sunshine coast for next week. My eldest son had his report card day on Friday and I asked him "should I open it now or after the trip". I DID NOT give him that option because I didn't want to ruin MY trip being angry at him. (He chose the later by the way). I wouldn't do that because consequences should come right away and not be delayed because of a trip, but I am SOOOO looking forward to the trip and just want as much peace with a teenager as I can get.

2. I DID NOT get mad at my husband because his "cub leader schedule" is always top priority despite the fact there are many other things on the agenda in a week, some need higher priority. I would NOT get mad at him because I am understanding all the time of how important Boy Cubs is to him.

3. I DO NOT secretly resent the fact that I okayed him being a leader for another year and a row. I am not quietly hating Cubs because of how it constantly takes away from what I need.

4. I DID NOT start teaching my 5 year old how to play Chess, afterall it's a game that is way too advanced for her and just because "I" like it doesn't mean she will get it. It's never too late to start though right?

5. I DID NOT stay up till 3am reading a great Photo Lesson website that S sent me learning how to take great photos. 3 am is way too late for me to be up

6. I was NOT like a zombie the next day because of it...I am always chipper and happy.

7. I DO NOT get mad at my cat who likes to sit on my keyboard everytime I type....I am a good pet owner and I understand he just wants attention.

8. My little cat likes to hop and "chase and pounce" my feet in the middle of the night playfully. It's really quite cute, but for crying out loud it's the middle of the night! I did not shoot my leg up in the air so he would fall off the bed "accidently" because of his pouncing. I wouldn't do that, see above...I am a good pet owner.

9. I DO NOT enjoy reality TV. Afterall my life is much more interesting than someone elses life. Why is it that watching others lives and their struggles is so addicting?

10. Lastly, I have NOT fantasized about disappearing for a weekend all by myself. I love being a mom and wife, cook, maid, accountant, teacher, and all the other roles, however I missed the scrapbooking weekend retreat this year and am frustrated by the constant work and lack of "me" time.

11. I DID NOT go over to my neighbors open house, just to check out the competition. My house is for sale and I DID NOT comtemplate telling the other people who were at the open house to take a walk up the street to check mine out because it shows so much nice for less $$s.

That's me, my perfect self. Next Monday I won't be on because I'll be in Florida, but the following week I should have lots of wondering perfect experiences to share with you about my trip.


3 thoughts that made me smile:

Cyn said...

We got a great chess set at Toys R Us that is a teaching set and shows how each piece can move (right on the piece). It was only $10ish and it's so neat.

Have fun with that! My son is reteaching me :)

Wayne said...

great not me monday.

sounds like your photo page is keeping you up way to late

S said...

I feel partially responsible for you being up so late. Next site that I send you will have to have some rules that go along with it. I.e. You will only be able to visit this site between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm.