So much has been going on I don't even know where to start!
The house is still on the market, we did get an offer, but it came in $30,000 lower than asking price. Like seriously, $30 grand, um don't even waste our time. We of course entertained it, afterall they might have just been trying to see where our bottom line was, and also said that if they didn't hit a certain point than don't bother coming back to us. They never came back. We had another open house this past Sunday and noone showed. Things are really starting to slow down...sigh, what will be will be. But we do have some showings, about 2 a week, so there is still small hope left. The market is just so bad...........
Not much new with him, just his crazy ol self. He's a bit stressed about this trip for a couple of reasons. His preference for a trip in a tent in the backyard, he's not a good travelor and gets very actually affects his bodily functions. But he's handling it well I think, leaving me up to most of the details, which is the way I like it...wink wink.
But his job is not in good standing right now either and I think that adds to his stress levels too. We may have to go on the workshare program where he doesn't work Fridays and the gov. pays 55% of his wage loss for 26 weeks. We will survive if it's only 26 weeks but if this economy lasts a long time it will hurt us. Of course we find this out AFTER we booked the trip and cannot get a refund on hotel or car, since most of it has been booked on AirMiles Collector Points...they don't give those back if you cancel. So we're going, besides we need this and can worry about everything else when we get will all still be there anyway.
Ian's pretty stressed about it, but I'm not. I trust in God and that He will take care of us. We may go through some challenges and have to make sacrifices to survive this dreadful economic crisis but in the end we will be stronger and better for it, and no matter what, we will have each other and WILL survive. I try not to stress about financial matters, because really, their just financial matters, not what really matters most, besides my hubby does enough of that for the 2 of us.
T my DD is just a doll. She's really getting an attitude and I say that in the nicest way possible. It's actually pretty cute coming from a 5 year old, you know the DIVA in her. But I will be curbing that because it's not so cute when she's 10 or 14 for that matter.
My middle guy B is doing great also, just trucking along as per usual. He's been doing some ice skating through school which is pretty amazing considering he doesn't walk all that great. The school hummed and hawed about it, but I made sure that they tried and he's been okay thus far. He's really looking forward to the trip to the ocean.
A, my oldest son is well, turning into a typical teenager, very typical. I beg him to hang out with me, pry questions about his day from him, with the usual response of "good" or "fine", and always am trying to find ways to engage him...not so easy, but not impossible ALL of the time. Sometimes I can actually get him to I know it's a phase, but it's tough as a mom to see your baby pull away and being a first time mom to a teenager, I'm goofing up a lot as I go. Where's the book on raising a teenager??? LOL. We did however have a big milestone, and that was to visit his new highschool he'll be going to next year, and getting him registered. If we move he won't be going there, but we needed to have him registered just in case. That was pretty exciting, and a little scary too...highschools are just not the same as when I grew up.
Not much new with me. I'm pumping milk to donate to a baby here in my area. I know I know, I'm crazy, I know. First I allow myself to dry up, but I had all this milk in my freezer that I just couldn't throw out. I was going to give it to my former IM but then her 8month old baby stopped taking the bottle altogether. So I went onto MilkShare (a milk donation site much like craigslist where you find donors and recipients) and there was a mom with a 4 month old baby only 40 mins from me. We started talking and well, since I still had small amounts of milk I offered to reinstate my supply so I could donate long term, as well as gave her the 116oz I had. So for the last week I have been on much the same protocols as what people do to induce lactation through the Dr Newman site are on, and been pumping like crazy. I did think it would be easier since I was still kind of lactating but it's not, it's been a struggle and I've managed to get up to 4oz per day so far. Seems to be going up about an oz a day.
Funny but right after I found someone, my former IM called and asked if I had donated it already, that she'd gotton baby to take the bottle afterall and wanted it....shucks...
Why you might ask...I know it's crazy and wasn't even my idea. I said to my hubby one night that I wished I knew about MilkShare prior and that I wouldn't have stopped pumping to begin with. He then said to me "well why don't you now?" and that's how the idea came to me to do so. I think I'm doing it for a couple of reasons, 1. It's good for me, prevents cancer and good for weight loss and getting back into shape and 2. It's something to do, something I can do to continue to give back in some little way but that does not involved jumping into another pregnancy...and trust me those urges are there. I want to wait, I'm waiting for a very good reason, for a few good reasons, and then I will decide. But from now until summer at least, I'll be pumping and donating. It makes me feel good about myself. If your looking for donor milk I would advise checking out their site.
Hmmm, what else....I got my first cycle, so my fertility and body is pretty much back to normal. Right on time, like clockwork, which is good considering all the drugs I've taken over the past 3 years with cycling for egg donation or surrogacy. I'm glad I got it now and not on our vacation. Should be all done for when I hit the beach!
That's about it, our life in a nutshell, well at least for the past week or so. Thanks to those who continue to follow along, I also love reading your blogs too.
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
5 thoughts that made me smile:
So much to comment on!
I hear you on the mandatory time off for DH. We can also get through if it's short term, but it may become a struggle at some point.
Sounds like the kids are doing good. I am quite thankful that both of my kids will still tell me EVERY little detail if I ask (they don't seem to have an edit option).
I had wondered about the pumping. What type of pump are you using and how often are you pumping? Are you on the herbs as well? How long have you been at relactating?
It certainly takes time and commitment but it does help to fill the 'void' of what to do now. At least it's something beneficial for your body anyhow. I pumped for 6 months for P&L. I plan to pump at least until summer if not through it. It really depends on how my supply ends up and how much effort is needed to maintain it. So far I'm producing far better than with P&L and I'm really thinking the Symphony is what's making the difference. I'll switch to my PISA at the end of March though.
Hey nice to read your update. When I had my Son I lived in British Columbia and they had a "Milk Bank" and I donated LOTS...I had enough milk for a couple of When I had my Daughter I lived in Ontario and they didn't have a Milk Bank (sigh) I had so much milk I had to thro alot out. Just a tip...I found that expressing with (Sanitized) hand got atleast three times the amount of milk in half the time as with a pump. You may want to try that if you want a bigger production of milk. Your trip sounds fabulous and I'm almost kinda jealous.
Thanks for the encouragement and support...
I'm using the same one you are, the Medela Symphony rental. I've rented it for another 3 weeks but I will be getting a pump to maintain once I get to desired amount. Pumping every 2 hours when I can, and sometimes it's 3 or 4 hours, depends but because I'm working that's the best I can do. At night I usually go about 5 or 6 hours because I need to sleep or else I can't do my job effectively. This is my 3rd week of relactating, it's a longer and slower process than just pumping after a baby. Before drying up I was pumping 6oz per pump session, 5 or so times per day, but I have found that relactating is a whole different ball of wax and I admire any IMs who do this for months and months on's a very long process.
I'm at 6oz per day now, 18 more ozs to go..I seem to be going up an oz a day.
I am on the herbs and the Domp. as directed by Dr. Newmans protocol as well.
I agree by helping to fill the "void" and is a real help in transitioning too, but also I get to help another family in the meantime and I feel good about it. The nice thing is that pumping doesn't stop me from doing things, in fact it forces me to slow down and enjoy life a bit more. LOL.
R: Hand expressing works for me but only after having a baby, because I'm relactating I needed the strongest most powerful hicky machine
Thanks for the advice though. Your right there are no milk banks here, but after hearing what they charge parents in need for the milk, I would't donate there, I like milk share because it's private and free for all parents. It's complete donation policy. If you decide to pump again after any future babies, I would look into it.
I agree it is amazing how much work and commitment has to go into inducing lactation. That's partly why I pumped for so long with the twins. I couldn't believe how much effort my IM was putting into it, I felt continuing to pump was the least I could do, considering.
I'm glad you're seeing progress each day. You really are doing great and regardless of how much you get,that's more milk than if you weren't doing it. 4 oz a day counts!
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