My mom, turned the big '50' this year! Can you believe it?? Okay to some she may seem young, but seriously, half a go MOM!
So to celebrate for 6 weeks prior, my sister and I have been planning a HUGE celebration. Both my brothers, my sis and I chipped in some moula and rented out a place, sent out the invites to almost 100 people, had others spread the word, got refreshements and food, decorated the it's a lot of work to plan a big party!!!
Feb 20th, over 60 people gathered together to celebrate 50 years of my mom's life. Some friends who only knew her for a short time, some family whose known her for a lifetime, co-workers, neighbors and the like. It was a AWESOME event!
What made it even more special is that my Aunt and Uncle flew out from Alberta to surprise her at this party. I never expected them to do that, but they don't see her very often and they knew how special that would be for her, and so that Friday night they flew in, and Sunday they flew home.
That was especially hard for me. You see it was a surprise party, my mom had no clue. I bought tickets to a play for the following weekend, and then edited the date on them, did some photoshopping so she thought she was going on the 20th. In the end, there were tons of clues to give it away and she knew...but still, we tried and had her guessing all the way. Anyway, it was hard for me because here Uncle and Aunt were flying out, and yet, do we keep their trip in a secret? If we do, she wont' get much time with them as the party was Sat night. If we don't, she'll definately know about the party and it will all be for moot. It was a hard decision but we all agreed to stay on course and make it all a big surprise.
And surprise it was! While she pretty much knew about the party, she had no idea who would be there. We had family in from all over Ontario! And...well...Alberta too! Plus some of the co-workers and friends she hadnt' seen in a long was a very shocking for her. Tears and sobs are the BEST reaction for a party such as this! And my mom was sobbing!!!!
You see, my mom and I, we dont' mix well, we are both very opinionated, only she loves to push her opinions on me, and often times are like oil and water. BUT, at the end of the day, I love her and know she loves me. At the end of the day, she is special, she is loving and caring. And those who meet her and get to know her see that! We had over 60 people at the party, 3/4 being friends, she has touched a lot of people in her life, and a lot of people really love her too.
So the party was a huge sucess! We had Karoyke, and the place was packed!! I also did a video montage of my mom's life that ran all night on the TV...from the time she was born to present day....most of her childhood pics she had never even see before because they were all on slides. Thanks to my Grandpa who mailed me the slides, and I got them printed to the tune of $70 for 30 pics!!! (crazy eh?), the video was a hit too. I know she loves it and I'm happy to have done that.
I'm happy to have made my mom's day special. And moreover, I'm happy it's done!!!!! It was a crazy 6 weeks prior, but well worth it!!!!!!!
2 thoughts that made me smile:
I am just so impressed - you really put in so much time and effort, and sounds like it totally paid off! The special touches, like the video montage, are just so sweet. You really helped put together something wonderful for your mom - I am sure she was touched and honoured!
Ditto to what FET wrote! Sounds like you all had a wonderful time and all of your hard work and special thought really paid off!
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