But it's summer and life is good. Not much new to report except we got a new van!! Woohooo!
Okay, not new, in fact older than our old van, with 50,000 more km but it doesn't overheat and will do for now. If we get a year out of it I will be dancing with joy. Just a year, I'm okay with that, afterall we only paid $500 for it, certified and e-tested! What a steal eh?
We just need to hold off on getting a new van until the mortgage is settled, and since I'm off all summer we get a little caught up financially. I figure by this time next year would be a great time to shop for a vehicle and then well...maybe we'll even go new....shocking I know, but with the car market being what it is, might be worth it.
I honestly do not like spending money on cars, for a mechanic to look at my car...well they must shake their heads. I do what I HAVE to on them, and only when I HAVE to so you can imagine what my cars look like.
I don't go through car washes, what for, it's just a car. I don't get things fixed that aren't safety issues, or to keep the car alive...I rarely will scrub out a car...with 3 kids I got much better things to do. Twice a year is good for me, unless it gets sand filled from a day at the beach, or it's a rental.
I just feel their such huge money pits. The minute you drive a new car off the lot it deprecitates by 20%, 20% can you believe it! Most mechanics I know are shady...though there are some good ones out there lost in the world of bad reputations, silly things break down on cars that cost thousands to fix, and well, most are so electronically souped up that a simple repair becomes a huge deal! Did you know that in our car to change the battery you had to take off the window shield washer fluid container and unhook some other doo dad that takes and hour to do, just to get a boost if you needed one! Who does that? Who designs things that way?
It doesnt' help that hubby is not mechanically inclined and not very fond of getting his hands dirty. Though he's getting better and learning more and more, he can now change front breaks and the oil...gotta give him credit, it's more than what I would do! Give me toilets, no problem, cars, na uh.
Cars are just not my thing. Never will be I think. Maybe, maybe one day when the covertible rolls up in my driveway, but in my world now with life being as it is and my priorities focused on different things, it just.....isn't.
So anyway, we did pick up a *ahem* new to us van. And it doesn't have a lot of rust either...yet. It's a Dodge Caravan and gots lots of bells and whistles, like automatic back windows and electronically moving driver seat...I think that's the best part of the van...the gagets! Oh and did I say it's got an automatic starter! That will be nice in the winter if it lives that long...
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
1 day ago
3 thoughts that made me smile:
I had meant to comment in your other posts about cars and I never got to it.
It's funny just how opposite our views of a car are. There is NO way I would go without one-got my license the day I turned 16 and immediately had a car payment.
I'm wondering if public transportation is more readily available for you and if that maybe makes a difference. I know my dh didn't get his license until 18 because of public transportation in San Francisco.
The longest we've had a car was 8 years-bought it brand new and got rid of it as soon as it started requiring stuff fixed. The idea of the car breaking down while I'm driving it with the kids has always freaked me out.
As for new VS used, I'm in the new camp. I don't want someone's never maintained, who knows what they did to it, cast off. Yeah it immediately depreciates, but at least we know what's been done or not done to it.
Oh no Cyn, I think I might have misrepresentented myself when it came to my post.
I LOVE CARS, ie: I wouldn't NOT have one....I couldn't live without it, I just don't like to spend MONEY on cars. I would rather put it into something we could enjoy like a trip or some piece of technology or save it up for something big.
Our white van we bought new used (2 years old, it was a 1998 we bought in 2000) at 25 grand! 25 grand!!!! To me that is a lot of money to see dissappear in just 9 years, in 9 years you got nothing to show for it. We were car payment free for 4 years, but still, what's left after the car dies?
Then the maintaince....now maybe if I had better experiences with mechanics I wouldn't mind the money spent, but when you pay for a new water pump and installation at hundreds of dollars only to find out for a new mechanic they never even TOUCHED the water pump, or putting on a new exhaust system only for it to be no good within months and have to do it again, but can't go back to where they did it cause they no longer own the company....things like that. I just don't have much luck in the car department and hate seeing all our money go down the drain to a car.
BUT I wouldn't live without one...I do like what they do for me!!!!!
Whew! I was thinking 'those crazy Canadians don't like cars' :)
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